Are We Looking At The Wrong Gap?

Sally Tarbit

Client Services Director

The Team

Don’t mind the gap: how Marketing with purpose can drive effective intergenerational value and connection. Sally Tarbit, a Director at The Team, shares her slides from our November 2017 Annual Members’ Conference.
Communication strategies could re-write themselves on a daily basis as buying behaviours shift, demands become greater, and our understanding of who prospects truly are, less clear. As audiences diverge, brands come under increasing pressure to do more with less. We’ll explore how putting purpose at the heart of communications can unite audiences around a brand, building a dialogue and value exchange based not just on what you do, but why you do it.
Sally began her career in insurance marketing during the heady days of the late 1980s – first at The Insurance Service (the direct arm of Royal Insurance), then RAC Insurance Services before switching to agency life and ultimately consulting.
During her time in agencies, she has worked across the financial, retail and charity sectors, using her breadth of experience to see beyond the moment to understand what really works to deliver results. With a glass-full attitude, Sally searches for ways to unite seemingly disparate audiences around a brand’s purpose to get results. Development of communication strategies for brands as diverse as National Savings and Investments, English Heritage and BP have succeeded in pulling both customers and employees closer by answering the eternal question: why?

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