Living Group’s latest Living Ratings report takes an in-depth look at how the IPE Top 100 Global Asset Managers engage with financial intermediaries through digital and social media channels. When it comes to digital – asset managers are still playing catch-up.
Leading asset managers have disappointing approaches to digital engagement.
Being high-up in the IPE Top 100 rankings is no guarantee that a firm has a focus on effective digital and social media engagement with financial intermediaries. Only four of the Top 10 firms feature in our Living Ratings Top 10 and two of them actually fall within the bottom third of the global 100 firms we rated.
Over 68% of firms are woefully behind in their approach to website functionality, with little or no responsive design attributes – ignoring their audiences who are increasingly using mobile devices to research and engage with them.
Whilst 71% of them have Twitter accounts, and 80% are present on LinkedIn – more than 72% of them don’t feature links to social media channels on their websites and less than 28% of them provide sharing buttons on their homepages.
Whilst content may be king, client-centric messaging is the joker.
When we analysed the tone of voice and messaging that firms use to communicate with audiences we found a large number of firms fail to produce content that is written and designed to engage – 56% of them fail to provide client-centric messaging or enhance communications through the use of design and tools such as info-graphics or supporting images.
Living Group’s CEO, Kate Shaw, comments; “Our findings reveal that only 5% are providing exceptional and very specific content, which demonstrates that asset managers are not really thinking of their financial intermediaries”.
To view the report, please click on the Download button to see a PDF version.