Q&A: Inside Metro Bank’s SEO strategy

Alex Sword


The Financial Services Forum

This interview with Danielle Lee, Brand & Marketing Director at Metro Bank, originally appeared in our recent retail banking SEO report.

FSF: Can you summarise the SEO strategy within Metro Bank?

Our strategy is centred around increasing the reach of online content, providing relevant and helpful information to our customers and driving revenue through high intent organic traffic.

How does this fit into Metro Bank’s overall marketing strategy?

SEO objectives tie in with strategic focus around building brand consideration, delivering seamless customer experiences and developing our community banking positioning.

Where does SEO sit within the company and how big is the team?

SEO sits within the Growth team, part of the digital marketing team. Our SEO is managed exclusively by one manager.

How has your SEO strategy complemented Metro Bank’s increased focus on digital in recent years?

SEO plays a key role in providing consumer insights and search trends that support content creation, campaigns and product focus. It also helps us to provide a better online experience, where customers can more easily find helpful and relevant information. In addition, we leverage SEO optimisations to improve the search to store journey, enabling our customer to easily identify their nearest store and understand what services that particular store provides.

What technology tools do you use to manage SEO?

We use SEMRush as our SEO tool.

How has the current market climate and cost of living affected your content strategy, if at all?

Through our SEO research and insights we have seen big YoY increases in informational type searches brought about by factors such as cost of living. This has helped to narrow our focus on which content and searches are going to most useful to our customers.

What do you think is the key secret to your success?

Using a data-driven approach to support direction of online content and being agile enough to create informational content effectively.


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