Keep Calm and Carry On – Communicating in a Crisis

Charlie Ansdell

Chief Strategy Officer


Every organisation has been profoundly affected by the global coronavirus epidemic, with marketers firmly on the frontline of all aspects of communication with customers, the public, employees and more. The price of a mis-step could be disastrous (think Virgin Airlines and Sports Direct) but done well, it could offer savvy and sure-footed brands to limit damage and create opportunities. The exclusive panel session included experts from comms specialists, Newgate Communications, and their sister firm, Newington. This practical panel session covered:
•Media crisis communications
•Employee communications and engagement
•Public policy and government engagement
•Social media and digital engagement
•Investor relations engagement
Kindly presented by:
Charles Ansdell, Giles Croot, Tom Flynn, Simon Gentry, Elisabeth Cowell and David Cowan
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