Getting closer to your customers – product innovation for a new generation

Mark Huxley


Huxley Advisory

Mis-selling scandals, dual pricing, product bundling, commoditisation, lack of transparency, and convoluted language – the industry’s issues are well documented. Now, with the fast-changing working environment, many insurance products simply fail to engage, demonstrate value or even meet the needs of the gig workforce. In this session our expert speakers will consider how the new generation of customer-focused products aimed at meeting gig workers’ needs offers insurers a golden opportunity to get closer to customers, reflect our changing society and the way it works, drive cultural change and build a new level of brand value.

Kindly presented by:

Quentin Colmant, CEO and Founder, Qover
Patrick Smith, Executive Director, Tribe Advisory
Chair: Mark Huxley, Consultant, Huxley Advisory


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