Attracting Mass Affluent Investors With the Right App


Kim Woodhall

Product Lead in Wealth


Now more than ever an online search coupled with app reviews is a key starting point for many client journeys in wealth management.

Digital challengers may have the advantage – and often the marketing budget – when it comes to digital client acquisition but that doesn’t mean that incumbent pre-digital firms have to miss out on the opportunity.

Legacy businesses have the bonus of expertise and a strong understanding of client requirements; translating value-added specialist services into digital channels with a premium mobile app can be the key to attracting new mass affluent investors. So understanding the role of digital marketing in client acquisition coupled with a seamless transition to hybrid online/in-person services is fundamental to converting high net worth clients starting their search online.

Tune in to learn more about the opportunity of digital client acquisition for incumbent wealth management firms.

Kim Woodhall, Product Lead for Wealth Management, Crealogix
Qiaojia Li, CEO and co-founder, Rosecut
Keith Phillips, CEO, TISAtech

Chair: David Cowan, Managing Director, The Financial Services Forum

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