AXA’s new ad focuses on protecting women from risk

Alex Sword


The Financial Services Forum

AXA has launched a new chapter of its Know You Can brand position, built around the idea of protecting oneself against a risky future.

The campaign is built around the question “why should the future be a risk?” It foregrounds the role of insurance in providing protection against an uncertain future.

The first instalment focuses on women, who AXA argue are more exposed to risk but also under-protected.

The main event is a video which shows how women are exposed to risks throughout their lives.

“The film does not position women as victims nor as super women,” AXA said in a statement. “It sets the record straight and forces us to think differently.”

This will be supported by a print campaign which highlights key statistics, such as that only 33% of business owners are women.

This is designed to tie into AXA’s broader brand purpose: ‘act for human progress by protecting what matters’.

Ulrike Decoene, AXA Group Head of Communication, Brand and Corporate Responsibility: “Women face different risks throughout their lives… It’s up to us to tailor our offers in a way that enhances and increases their impact and reach”.

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