With an array of products and services, shifting customer needs, and new technologies, are the complexities of retail banking having an impact on brand experience, customer loyalty and trust? Our forthcoming seminar will ask: Is Banking Too Complicated?
Customers often say that banking isn't simple enough. The industry is ranked below average for brand simplicity in an annual study by global consultants Siegel and Gale.
Greater simplicity should mean a better brand experience and boost customer loyalty and recommendation. How can banks become more simple and therefore more trusted?
Some, like First Direct, known for its customer service, and Metro, with its focus on convenience, are among those doing the right things. But others make "everything harder than it needs to be” according to consumer respondents in the study.
Siegel and Gale present their findings and client-side speakers give their views.
Speakers include:
Peter Veash, Chief Executive Officer, The Bio Agency
Philip Davies, President – EMEA, Siegel+Gale
Lisa Wood, Chief Marketing Officer, Atom Bank