The UK financial advisors with the best performing websites

Alex Sword


The Financial Services Forum

Using the GTmetrix tool, we assessed the web page performance of the homepage of the largest 20 financial advisors on the FT Adviser’s 2021 list. The GTmetrix grade assesses the overall performance of the web page for users, turning this into an overall percentage score.


A-grade (90%+)

Argyle Consulting

CHN Financial Consultancy

Close Brothers AM

EQ Investors


Pharon IFA


The Fry Group


B-grade (80%+)

Advanta Wealth

Altor Wealth

Cullen Wealth

Investment Quorum

Westminster Wealth


C-grade (70%+)

OCM Wealth Management


D-grade (60%+)

Bartlett Group



E-grade (50%+)


Wingate FP


Within each band entries are placed in alphabetical order. Two entries on the FT’s list could not be assessed through the tool, one because the site no longer exists and the other because of apparent technical issues.

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