Santander enlists Jon Snow for latest Ant and Dec ad

Alex Sword


The Financial Services Forum

Santander has launched a new TV campaign to promote its Edge current account, bringing Ant and Dec with Channel 4 newscaster Jon Snow.

The first ad features a news report from Snow  presenting a story about Santander projecting the “Edge” logo onto the white cliffs of Dover as a publicity stunt.

It is then revealed that the stunt has been sabotaged by television personalities Ant and Dec, the CEOs of the rival “Bank of Antandec”.

The second ad sees the television duo confronting the Bank of Antandec staff for subscribing to the Edge current account.

The campaign launched on 3 May across TV, video on demand, cinema, radio, OOH, social, digital display, in-branch, one to one communications and on

It will also be activated through out-of-home around the country including a live projection at Liverpool Albert Dock on 4 May, iconic sites across the capital (inc Westfield London Pump Station, Piccadilly Lights, IMAX and domination of both Oxford Circus Underground & Waterloo) and giant, high profile branded edges in London, Liverpool, Hull and Newcastle.

The campaign was created by House 337, Merman Production in partnership with Mitre Studios, Carat and IPG.

Dan Sherwood, Marketing Director, Santander UK, said: “The Bank of Antandec aren’t just any bank.  They’ve always been a bank full of positive intentions, but just haven’t quite got the execution right.  However, cracks are starting to show at the Bank of Antandec HQ and the great value being offered by Santander is really starting to impact.

“We think the Santander Edge current account offers customers a better way to manage the day-to-day, whilst also building for the future, through a range of fantastic benefits.  We’re excited to have more people check the account out and see how it can work for them.”

The Bank of Antandec campaign first launched in 2019.

Santander recently made headlines after its complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority led to Nationwide having to amend its bombastic adverts featuring Dominic West.

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