Real-Time Advertising : Financial Sector

Stephanie Jeanmougin

Trade Marketing Manager, EMEA


According to the IAB UK, the financial sector will spend over two and a half billion pounds on display advertising in 2015, accounting for 13% of all UK display ad spend this year. This figure is part of a massive shift in the industry – over a third of large EMEA financial companies (more than 500 employees) say they will move 20-40% of their offline budget to digital in the next two years.
The advent of programmatic advertising (the automation of the buying and selling of digital media) has created massive opportunities for increased efficiency and relevancy at every stage
of the finance customer’s journey. These opportunities are being missed. This report helps financial service marketers better understand how programmatic advertising can be used to discover new prospects, build revenue and gain a competitive edge.
To download the PDF and read Quancasts’ key insights for financial marketers, please use the button at the top of the page.

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