AKG has been analysing and assessing the with profits funds managed by UK life offices for a number years. Each year, our work in this area culminates in the publication of AKG’s well known and respected UK Life Office With Profits Reports.
The 20th edition of AKG’s UK Life Office With Profits Reports was published in December 2016.
This AKG With Profits Market Briefing illustrates some of the key statistics, developments and trends observed in our 2016 With Profits Reports output and it also taps into the wealth of with profits data accrued by AKG over the past 20 years.
AKG’s 2016 reports involved the analysis and assessment of 190 sub-funds within 75 funds within 28 firms from 25 different groups that were active in the UK market at the end of December 2016.
The 2016 edition includes individual reports and comments on those providers whose with profits funds exceed £100m, supplemented by smaller companies and friendly societies operating in the intermediary market. The analysis provided for each company uses information collated from a number of sources, including meetings with a number of the offices, a questionnaire completed by many of the companies, their latest PRA Returns (normally as at 31 December 2015 and hence presented under the Solvency I regime, rather than the new Solvency II regime applicable from 2016 onwards), their PPFMs, CFPPFMs, reports to policyholders, websites and any other available material.
You can view this briefing document by clicking on the download button (top right).