GDPR: Empowering People to Take Control

Paul Maylon

Professional Services, Data Strategy Manager


Paul Malyon of Experian accepts that GDPR demands big change for many organisations, but believes this will mainly be an evolution within financial services, rather than an evolution. Anything that empowers the customer and improves trust and transparency is a good thing, and organisations that get it right will reap the rewards. If GDPR is used as an agent for change, it can yield benefits such as accurate targeting, a better customer experience, business efficiency, consumer trust, and innovation.
Paul shares his slides from The Forum’s recent event on GDPR (16 January 2018).
Experian Event Series: GDPR Data Readiness
With GDPR coming into force in May 2018, Experian are running a series of seminars to help data controllers be prepared.  There are sessions in London and Nottingham, as well as a Roundtable and Webinar. For more information and to register, please use the link below.

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