The Future of Retail Banking

Renee Friedman

Financial Services Editor


This is a review of the results of The Economist annual study on the future of retail banking. Renee looks at what the emerging concerns for the retail banking sector are and how banks think the sector itself will develop.
Renée joined the Economist Group in July 2016 as Managing Editor for EMEA. Her work focuses on thought-leadership programmes for the financial services sector. Prior to joining the Economist Group, Renée worked in a variety of roles, including Economic and Political risk consulting, finance, a Macro strategist and a Bond fund manager, as an Economist to the Treasury Select Committee at the House of Commons and as Senior Economist and Chief Technical Advisor for the UN Development Programme’s (UNDP) Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS, and as an academic, designing and teaching economics courses at universities across London.
The video was taken at The Financial Services Forum Members’ Conference in November 2016.
To view the slides, please use the download button for a PDF version.

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