
Henry Tucker

Managing Director

Kantar Futures

Henry Tucker, Managing Director at Kantar Futures, the global foresight consultancy, shares the latest thinking on this emerging generation and what challenges and opportunities this change presents for financial services. How will the next generation disrupt your future?
Henry joined Kantar Futures from a career in innovation and consumer and customer marketing where he occupied both global and operational roles across multinational businesses.
Henry works extensively in foresight and futures across a range of clients and sectors. Much of his time is spent developing new strategies for global clients in fast growing markets. More recently he has worked helping clients develop thinking to connect with the Future Shopper and Retail landscape.
Henry regularly presents at global conferences for senior executives. Recent engagements include “The Future of Retail” for a flagship WPP event, “The Changing Consumer Landscape” for a multinational CPG business; “Can Government Innovate?” for public sector thought leaders.
Henry has helped organisations including Nissan, Unilever, Vodafone, Coca Cola, Yildiz, and Walmart.
You can view the video of the presentation below and download a PDF copy of Henry’s slides using the Download button in the top right corner.

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