Brokers Backing ‘Remain’ Falls By 4%

Ian Winters

Executive Director, Research

FWD Research

In the past few weeks, a number of leading insurance heavyweight figures such as JLT CEO Dominic Burke and former Chairman and CEO of Hiscox, Robert Hiscox, have made it clear they support the ‘Leave’ camp in the Brexit debate. However, FWD Research has polled members of its Broking Now panel, a representative panel of 250 UK commercial brokers, to see how they are likely to vote and if that was different to UK businesses at large.
In response to the question: “If the public votes in favour of Brexit, what do you think it could mean for the insurance industry as a whole?” the top answer, with over a third of the votes (36%), was a bullish: “I don’t think it will have any effect/no concerns for any effect on the insurance industry.” The second most popular response (33%), was “Don’t know/ no comment/ need further information”, however our research found that brokers appear very assured of their knowledge on the subject. When questioned on the need for “Further information, advice or help on the issue of Brexit”, brokers are secure in their convictions as a staggering 62% feel they need “no further information at this point.”
To view the full article, and to contact FWD for the full survey results, please download the PDF document via the link above.
Brexit vote: Brokers backing ‘Remain’ falls by 4% – Brokers now prepared for Brexit doubles, says FWD Research survey
A survey of 250 UK insurance broking firms has found that attitudes towards a UK exit from the European Union are softening, with the number of brokers in favour of Brexit increasing from 22% to 26%.
The survey, carried out by research and communications consultancy FWD, found over the same period between March and May 2016, the number of brokers backing the UK to remaining in the EU fell from 43% to 39%; those undecided remained unchanged at 35%.
To view the full press release, and to contact FWD for the full survey results, please download the PDF document via the link above.

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