The Sponsorship Evolution

Sabrina Shilstone

Senior Event Executive

The Financial Services Forum

With traditional sponsorship models, including sporting events, either cancelled or unviable, many brands have had to adapt, shift and re-evaluate their approach. Whilst the pandemic has accelerated trends such as the shift to digital, other factors in this change include ethics, diversity and inclusion and brand image. How much has sponsorship changed and how will we see it evolve in years to come?

In this webinar we will discuss:

– The renewed focus on community in the wake of the pandemic has encouraged the transition from global sponsorship to local partnerships. Will this continue in years to come?
– How could changing your sponsorship model affect brand image?
– D&I, ethics and authenticity
– Sponsorship innovation


Courtney Waterman, Head of Creative Marketing, Ninety One
Martin McGovern
FCIM, Fractional Chief Marketing Officer, gigCMO

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