What steps is the industry taking to ensure the right people are being targeted in the right way? In particular, are women put off investing by asset managers’ marketing communications?
Recent consumer research found that women felt alienated by marketing campaigns for investing which they saw as aimed at wealthy older men. Despite the growth in female wealth, women are said to be about half as likely to have a stock market ISA as men. Are asset managers missing out on a major potential market? How can marketers improve their communications? Are agencies and creatives on top of this issue?
Speakers Included:
Jet Cooke, Head of Marketing – End Investor, Fidelity International (Chair)
Victoria Thrift, Associate Director, Britain Thinks
Ken Muir, Founding Partner, Mohawk
Gina Miller, Founding Partner, SCM Group
Our thanks to Caroline Haley of First Quartile, part of FWD, for producing these event summary notes.
To read the event summary notes, please download the PDF version at the top of this page.