Automation – powering the new D2C financial services market


Kirsty Maxey



The Retail Distribution Review was a big-bang moment for financial services marketing. The new direct to consumer landscape gives brands the opportunity to utilise a new way of one-to-one, personalised communications with customers across multiple digital channels.

This is Automation; the streamlining, automation and measurement of a range of marketing tasks so that brands can become more targeted, personalised and ever more efficient. With personal finance still viewed as dull and uninteresting by the mass populous, businesses now have a platform to deliver unique content to whip customers out of their state of inertia and engage them with their finances. So why are only 5% of businesses taking it up? Because it’s not as straightforward as you would expect. So making sure you get the right advice is key. But those that have, are beginning to see results through increased leads, conversions, and revenue across the board.

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