Business & Brexit / TV Advertising


We’ve introduced an extra “Brexit” element to our event discussion later this month, in addition to the publicised topic on the future of TV advertising.

We hope you can join us for this revised session, as we discuss the future of financial services outside the EU, with a leading news presenter.

Business & Brexit: In Conversation with Ian King, Business Editor, Sky News, Matthew Vincent, Deputy Companies Editor, FT and John Rowland, Executive Director, Cicero

Join former Times Business Editor and current Sky Business News presenter Ian King and Matthew Vincent, the FT’s deputy companies editor, and a former editor of FT Money, as they discuss financial market issues, current trends in the market and, of course, Brexit. Ian and Matthew will be in discussion on the outlook for the UKPLC following the momentous decision the nation voted for on June 23rd. As the Government starts to crystallise the framework for leaving, they will speculate on the impact for financial services providers. Joining Ian and Matthew on stage will be John Rowland of Cicero.

TV Advertising, it’s not Pie in the Sky

Technology is revolutionising the media landscape. We will challenge your perceptions of TV advertising in terms of the cost of creating the ads and deploying the media that delivers measurable, achievable ROI. There are a growing number of new entrants to TV advertising who have recognised the opportunity that will be referenced and help de-risk the concept.

The perception, based on historic reality, is that TV is for the big boys with the deepest of pockets looking at building and reinforcing their brand. But, as with everything else in this world of change we operate in, the opportunities to add TV into your media thinking is now within your reach, without breaking the budget and hyper ventilating the FD.

How do you get your brand and message onto TV – including creating the ads and deploying the media activity – at a cost that works within your budget?

We look at the practical issues of making it work and a set of relevant case studies that de-risk the concept for many.

Speakers Include:

Ian King, Business Presenter, Sky News

Matthew Vincent, Deputy Companies Editor, FT

John Rowland, Executive Director, Cicero

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