They say a picture paints a thousand words - are financial services firms choosing the right ones?
With consumers forming impressions of a brand within seconds, making sure you’ve perfected your visual branding is a crucial step in brand strategy - but with the rise of GenAI threatening to generate a “sea of sameness” and budget pressures limiting creative options, perfecting brand visuals may not be as easy as it seems.
In this session, our marketing and brand experts will dive into the world of visual branding and explore exactly what businesses need to be doing to perfect their visual strategy, including:
- The importance of ensuring coherence with non-visual brand aspects
- The impact of GenAI on differentiation
- Tools to make your branding memorable
- A case-study example of a strong, visual brand
Chaired by:
- Lucian Camp, Brand and Marketing Consultant, Lucian Camp Consulting
- Holly Marshall, Chief Communications & Marketing Director, The Nottingham
- Simon Martin, Director, Moreish Marketing
- Chloe Fenton, Head of Marketing, Allica Bank
- Nicola Constantinou, Channel Marketing Manager - UK Intermediary, Vanguard
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