Marketing to the End Investor: Maximising your return on SEO & SEM marketing


Existing and prospective clients are far less inclined to consult sales people for information than they once were.

Instead, they prefer to look online for their financial information. According to a Gartner study, potential B2B customers are around two-thirds of their way through a purchasing process before they have any contact at all with a supplier. Reasons for this include a lack of brand-building and differentiation, as well as the growth of online trading platforms.

As a result, asset managers increasingly have to gear their message to end-investors. But despite churning out vast volumes of content, asset managers fare badly in getting their blog posts, articles and white papers on the first page of Google results.

Building websites in the correct way can have a big impact on SEO & SEM. This includes using the right CMS, site structure, speed of website, mobile responsiveness, page layout and semantic code.

When it comes to content aimed at end-investors, we will look at what works and why.

Speakers include:
Jet Cooke, Head of Marketing - End Investor, Fidelity International
Niels Footman, Managing Director - UK and Europe, Copylab
Rich Watts, Global Head of Digital, Kurtosys

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