When Things Go Wrong: Managing Reputation in Times of Crises

From global pandemics to financial misconduct, cyber-attacks, hostile takeovers, regulatory violation, and wayward CEOs. crises come in all shapes and…

eToro chooses Lansons/Team Farner as UK comms partner

Investment app eToro has appointed Lansons/Team Farner for an integrated brief spanning corporate communications and creative campaigns. Founded in 2007,…

GUEST COLUMN: An era of heightened social accountability means change regardless of opinions and ideologies

Shereen Daniels is the bestselling author of The Anti-Racist Organization: Dismantling Systemic Racism in the Workplace, the Managing Director of…

4 MINUTE MASTERCLASS: How to Write an Investment Story

David Butcher, Managing Director at Communications and Content, shares four top tips for writing great investment content.  

Creativity not Complacency: Unlocking Creativity in Financial Services for the Year Ahead

Financial services marketing doesn’t have to be dull – and often it isn’t. But there’s a stark reality too. Delivering…

OPINION: Reputation lessons of NatWest’s Farage fiasco

By Damian Reece, Senior Counsel at Instinctif Partners. The correct decision for NatWest and its Coutts subsidiary regarding Nigel Farage…