Fiona Blades
Member since: 01 May 2017
Following an 8 year marketing career on petfoods and subsequently moving to advertising at agencies like Leo Burnett, Fiona set up MESH Experience in 2006 to fill a gap in data and analytics.
Brand growth is driven by all experiences people have with brands, yet half or more typically go unmeasured. By taking an Experience Driven Marketing approach and capturing how people come into contact with brands in real time (Real-time Experience Tracking (RET)) MESH helps clients to take quicker and smarter decisions about their investment.
MESH has offices in Manhattan (where Fiona lives), London and Sao Paulo. In 2017 MESH won the Delta Air Lines Woman Owned Business of the Year award and the International Business Excellence Award for marketing in Dubai for creating a one number Marketing Impact Score.
Fiona believes that both Purpose and Profit are important. MESH’s purpose is to help create and measure experiences that grow brands, people and society. In Sao Paulo, with PepsiCo, MESH pioneered a Sustainable Research approach which won the MRS New Consumer Insight award and was a finalist for the Innovation and President’s Awards.
Fiona is a Fellow of the Market Research Society, a member of the Marketing Society and sits on the board of WIRe (Women in Research). She has worked with Professor Hugh Wilson at Cranfield School of Management on a knowledge transfer partnership that was a finalist for the Innovate UK award in 2015.
Outside work, Fiona loves attending the theatre, art galleries, dance and thought-provoking events.